
Casinò Campione, Stefano Silvestri new Ceo

02 March 2023 - 17:38

The shareholders' meeting appoints Stefano Silvestri as the new Ceo of the Casinò Campione d'Italia.

Written by Amr

Following up on the official guidelines unanimously approved yesterday by the city council (the minority councilors Simone Verda and Marco Boffa were absent), the shareholders' meeting of the Casinò Campione d'Italia appointed Stefano Silvestri, former general manager of the Casino di Saint Vincent and previously director of games and operations of the Casino di Venezia, his hometown. From a technical point of view, he will be operational starting with the board of directors of tomorrow, Friday, March, the 3rd, thus assuring full continuity with its predecessor.

Silvestri, 64 years old, succeeds Marco Ambrosini, whose office was revoked because, being retired, under the Madia law he cannot hold rewarded positions on the boards of directors of publicly owned companies. In this regard, the partner told to the board of directors to repay the sums that turns out to have been illegitimately received. In the note sent by the Casino is written: "Acknowledging the impossibility of making a payment to the engineer Marco Ambrosini, the shareholders' meeting considered it appropriate to remove him from his office".

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