
Double revolution for roulette: Blanc's rotor logic is discovered and the one without zeros arrives

11 October 2022 - 17:51

The Roman Claudio Campanella, active for fifty years in casinos all over the world, discovers the logic of roulette at one zero and creates the one without zeroes.

Written by Amr

A secret kept for almost 200 years, 180 to be precise, and which was revealed on July, the 23rd, 2022. We are talking about the logic behind roulette invented in 1842 by the Blanc brothers who, in their search for opening casinos, made sure to attract the world of players by upsetting the roulette removing one of the two zeros from the wheel that had been perfected by Blaise Pascal around 1650. The procedure of omitting the double zero halves the disadvantage for the player, for the premise aimed at preserving the known identity of the red and black numbers a different arrangement of the numbers on the rotor was needed, to avoid two consecutive numbers of the same color. The Blancs renewed the numerical order and the logic was never revealed, they took the secret to their graves that became the great mystery of the game. A mystery that for almost two centuries has engaged in its solution operators, employees, mathematicians and players, influenced by the legend that tells "whoever discovers the logic of Blanc's secret will be able to defeat the game of roulette". And even if this legend remains in the golden world of fantasy, it is instead a reality that the Roman Claudio Campanella, 68 years old and active in casinos all over the world for fifty years, finally discovered the logic underlying the Blanc roulette rotor and that made the fortune of the Montecarlo Casino.
“Not only did I discover the logic of numbers, but I also corrected a slightly imperfect part, he tells to - and on the basis of this premise I invented the Zero-less roulette, ie without zeros. This roulette has no advantage for the casino, while with the one with two zeros the disadvantage for the player is 5.26 percent and with the one with one zero it is 2.70 percent”.
In order to exploit this logic, “I made seven games, all based on a zero-less roulette”.
Could you tell us more about this now revealed secret?
“Blanc's rotor is based on a mechanical and simple logic that is not expressed through a mathematical formula but through a count of the detection points. The rotor can be applied to both physical and online roulette. What are the advantages? I define it as the cornerstone between the casino and the customers, as the player has no disadvantages and with a few euros he can win millions, while the casino wins more than a normal roulette without risking (which it happens with the other one too, in the long run".

Who do you plan to propose your invention to?

“To owners, investors, companies or programmers of online games”.

But are you willing to reveal the secret?

"Sure, I will, after all the players have waited almost two hundred years!"

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