
Iss: 13 million of social players, two million low-risk ones

19 October 2018 - 16:45

Written by Editorial Board

In the 'Gambling in Italy' conference, the Istituto superiore di sanità profile players, from social to 'problem' ones.

Rome - Approximately 18 million of Italian adults have gambled at least once in the last year. Among these, over 13 million are considered "social" players, namely playing in a healthy way. While around two million are at low risk and 1.4 million are at moderate risk. These data emerged from the survey on pathological gaming in Italy, conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The Institute conducts scientific research in a wide variety of fields, from cutting-edge molecular and genetic research to population-based studies of risk factors for disease and disability. THE IDENTIKIT OF PROBLEM PLAYER - Problematic player is also profiled in the survey: compared to social players, problematic ones play more with slots and Vlts and show less healthy lifestyles: smoking, alcohol abuse and drugs. 5.8 percent of problem players obtained a salary-backed loan, compared to 0.7 of non-players. 27.7 percent obtained loans from finance companies, compared to 4 percent of non-players and 14.2 asked private loans, compared to 0.9 percent of non-players. As for "gaming venues", the survey shows that compared to social player, the problem player prefers those far from home (11.3 percent vs. 2.5 percent) and from work (2.3 percent vs. 0.8 percent), those assuring greater privacy (10.7 percent vs 1.5 percent). On the contrary, social players often choose places close to home (49.2 percent vs 37.5 percent) or near the workplace (14.9 percent vs 9.6 percent) with the availability of other services (10.5 percent vs 6.6 percent). THE IMPACT OF GAMING ADVERTISING - According to data collected by the ISS, only 19.3 percent of players claiming to have seen gaming advertising chose to play on the basis of seen or heard advertising. 80.7 percent say they haven't chosen to play based on advertising. Problem players choose more often (30 percent) of social players (14.5 percent) to play on the basis of seen or heard advertising. THE TOLL-FREE NUMBER AND THE CAMPAIGN OF RAI - The Institute has activated a toll-free number to help players at risk and their families, which anonymously and free helps them, guiding them to services closer to their home that can support them. The ISS has launched a national communication campaign to introduce this tool which, thanks to the contribution of Rai's social responsibility, will promote the presence of experts of the toll-free number in the tv programms. The campaign is also supported by the Diocese of Rome, thanks to which the toll-free number will be promoted in the 336 Roman churches and in all the waiting rooms of the train Italo. From October the 21th, the Iss advertising will start on TV, radio, social media and web. GAMING AND YOUG PEOPLE - As for minors aged 14 to 17, 70.8 percent claimed they never played, while 29.2 percent (670,144 persons estimated) claims to have gambled at least once in the 12 months prior to the interview. 17-year-olds (35 percent) predominantly play, 16-year-olds (30.5 percent) follow, 15-year-olds (27.6 percent) and 14-year-olds (24.4 percent). Players are more males (41.1 percent; for an assessment of about 486,200 boys) than females (16.8 percent for an assessment of about 186.800 girls). As for the geographic area, students of the South of the country predominantly play (36.3 percent; for an assessment of 215,356 students) and Islands follow (29.9 percent, for an assessment of 79,722), then the Center (27.3 percent; for an assessment of 116,384 students), North West (25.8 percent; for an assessment of 149,919 students) and North East (20.2 percent; for an assessment of 86,400 students). More players are in technical institutes (37.5 percent) and in professional institutes (28.2 percent). Italian students mainly play to instant or real-time lotteries (21.1 percent), play sports betting (17.1 percent), virtual betting (8.1 percent) and play at slot machines (6.8 percent). Italian students mainly play in tobacco shops (46.7 percent) and in betting rooms (41.1 percent); bars follow (28.8 percent). Students choose the place to play preferably because it is close to home (49.9 percent), no ID is required (20.9 percent), or for the highest payout (11.1 percent). Social players are 22.7 percent (520,968 students estimated), players at risk are 3.5 percent (80,326 students estimated), problem players are 3 percent (68,850 students estimated). The highest prevalence of problem gamblers is in the south (4.4 percent vs. 3 percent of the national average), Islands follow (3 percent in line with the national average), the Center (2.9 percent slightly below the national average), the North West (2.1 percent) and the North East (1.8 percent), both less than 3 percent of the national average. Also in this case, as for adults, there is an association between gaming behavior and unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, alcohol and other drugs). In fact, among the problem players there are more regular smokers (28.3 percent vs. 14.3 percent of social players) and a higher percentage of those who claim smoking 10 or more cigarettes per day (48.2 percent vs. 31.1 percent ), moreover they use more alcohol and other drugs. Among the problem players are higher percentages of alcohol consumption 2 or more times a week, in particular of beer (23.7 percent vs. 8.8 percent), of wine (8.7 percent vs. 4.2 percent) and of spirits (8.5 percent vs. 2.5 percent) compared to social players. Finally, it seems that problem player is more featured by the binge drinking phenomenon (15.9 percent vs. 4.1 percent) and the use of cannabis (45.5 percent vs. 23.5 percent; use in the last 12 months). OVER 65 - In the sample over 65 represent 17.2 percent of respondents (estimated population 8,754,035). In this group, men are 49.6 percent and women 50.4 percent. Most are married or cohabitants (73 percent), Italian (97 percent) and retired people (83 percent). 70.7 percent claims they had not played in the last 12 months, while 29.3 percent played at least once and more precisely 22.2 percent is a social player, 3.4 percent is a low-risk player, 1.7 percent is a moderate risk player and 2 percent is a problem gambler. In general, the most popular games for over 65 are instant lotteries and lotto. In particular, 30.1 percent claims to play lotto and defered outcome lottery 1-2 times per month, using the online channel, 20.8 percent claimed to play these games using the physical channel, 25.3 percent to instant and real-time lotteries in a physical place. The ISS survey makes it possible to observe that although the most practiced gambling for this age range are lotteries, there are important differences between social and problematic players, the latter playing more with slot machines (43.7 percent vs. 11.2 percent), Vlts (30.5 percent vs. 1.1 percent) and sports betting (19.1 percent vs. 1.4 percent). Over 65 generally play at the tobacco shops and at bars, and problem players above all attend betting rooms (13.9 percent vs. 2.5 percent) and bingo halls (27.4 percent vs. 2.1 percent). In general, over 65 play more for the sake of playing (40.5 percent) and rarely to recover lost money (8.6 percent), they choose more often to play close to home (64.4 percent). They prefer to play alone (66.1 percent) and started mainly for curiosity (60.4 percent). As regards risk factors, those living in the southern-insular area of ​​our country, having a lower middle qualification and don't have an employment, have a double risk of developing problem gambling behavior. In addition, those who drink spirits more than 4 times a week have about 9 times more chances to develop problem behavior, as those who frequently drink ready to drink have about 7 times more chances to develop such behavior, and those who frequently do a cocktail hour have a risk almost 6 times greater than less frequent use. Binge drinking exposes about 18 times more to the possibility of developing problem gambling behavior. Gambling online for more than thirty minutes within a week exposes about 16 times more to the risk of developing problem gambling behavior than online gambling for less time. Similarly, gambling in physical place for more than thirty minutes within a week exposes about 14 times more to the risk of developing problem gambling behavior than gambling in physical place for less time. Those who are close to persons who have or have had problems with gaming risk developing problem behaviors 5 times more than those who don't have people close to these problems. Considering the economic-financial aspects, having an income of less than €15,000 exposes about twice the risk of developing problem gambling behavior compared to other income groups, and not being able to save anything exposes about 5 times more to the risk of developing a problem gambling behavior compared to those who save something, while allocating a small share of the monthly budget to gaming seems to be a very strong protection factor compared to those who don't define a budget to be dedicated to gambling.

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